Taking Off

Get started with Lift. Build your first interactive Lift-powered app.

Flying in Formation

Join the warm, welcoming Lift community, ask questions, suggest features, have fun!

Flying Commercial

Get professional Lift support and consulting from the Lift committers.


Learn more about the people, who put their efforts into developing the Lift framework.

Lift is the most powerful, most secure web framework available today. There are Seven Things that distinguish Lift from other web frameworks.

Lift applications are:
Secure -- Lift apps are resistant to common vulnerabilities including many of the OWASP Top 10
Developer centric -- Lift apps are fast to build, concise and easy to maintain
Designer friendly -- Lift apps can be developed in a totally designer friendly way
Scalable -- Lift apps are high performance and scale in the real world to handle insane traffic levels
Modular -- Lift apps can benefit from, easy to integrate, pre built modules
Interactive like a desktop app -- Lift's Comet support is unparalled and Lift's ajax support is super-easy and very secure

Read an overview of how Lift achieves these important goals.

Lift open source software licensed under an Apache 2.0 license.

See a Demo

Because Lift applications are written in Scala, an elegant JVM language, you can still use your favorite Java libraries and deploy to your favorite Servlet Container and app server. Use the code you've already written and deploy to the container you've already configured!

David Pollak's Lift Basics

In this workshop you will learn how to create dynamic, interactive, secure web sites using Lift. Courses are being held at SkillsMatter in London, UK, on October 15th and December 3rd 2012.

Lift Cookbook

The Lift Cookbook is a new and growing resource for Lift developers, presenting programming solutions to a range of specific questions.

Lift Co -- Commercial Support

Commercial Support including SLAs available for Lift.

Lift turns 5

The Lift Web Framework was founded on February 26th, 2007. Happy Birthday!

Lift 2.4 Ships!

2012/01/12 The Lift team is proud to announce version 2.4 of Lift.

Scala Lift Off London 2011

Join the European Scala and Lift communities for 2 days of open spaces excellence, fun, and putting faces to names!

DPP teaches Lift Basics

at Skills Matter in London on October 12th. Please join him and learn Lift and have fun!

Scala 2.9.1 support in Lift

We are in process of building Lift against Scala 2.9.1

Lift 2.3 Ships!

2011/04/06 The Lift team is proud to announce version 2.3 of Lift.

Seven Things...

that demonstrate how Lift is different from and superior to other web frameworks

Lift Books

Entwicklung von Web-Applikationen mit Lift und Scala by Thomas Fiedler and Christoph Knabe.

Simply Lift, by David Pollak is an open source book, available for free in both PDF and HTML versions at http://simply.liftweb.net/.

Exploring Lift, by Derek Chen-Becker, Tyler Weir, and Marius Danciu is an open source book, available for free in both PDF and HTML versions at http://exploring.liftweb.net/.

Lift In Action by Tim Perrett is available in print and eBook format.

Lift Cookbook A community question and answers book, free at cookbook.liftweb.net